Dr. Julie publishes a newsletter with health notes for her patients.
Your Nerves and Spine
Getting your Atlas adjusted will help to reduce and/or resolve ongoing musical-skeletal issues you may have. Good nutrition and hydration is additionally vital <read more>.
Why is your Atlas Important?
Many people ask why the Atlas Orthogonal chiropractic adjustments are so effective and how it works. Your upper cervical region is rich in nerves that allow you to understand your surroundings and environment <read more>.
Why is your Atlas Important?
Many people ask why the Atlas Orthogonal chiropractic adjustments are so effective and how it works. Your upper cervical region is rich in nerves that allow you to understand your surroundings and environment <read more>.
Additional Articles about Health Conditions Restored by AO Care:Clicking any of the links will open up the article in a new window on your computer. Close the window and you will return to this site.