New Patient INFO
Health History
New patients are asked to print out and complete the two page form, below. These two pages will also be available in our office if you are unable to fill them out beforehand. To view or print the two-page form, click below:
What to Expect On Your First Visit (Atlas Orthogonal adjustment):
Your initial examination and consultation is the first step in a personalized course of care. The length of time it takes to correct any abnormal conditions depends on how long they have existed and their severity.
Headaches, pain in the arms and shoulders, even pain in the lower back, legs or buttocks can be traced to a subluxation in the cervical spine. Dr. Amundsen will perform a series of tests to determine the source of your pain. You will then have x-rays taken. Exact measurements will determine your Atlas subluxation. This information is necessary to determine the precise adjustment to adjust the Atlas and correct the subluxation. After your x-rays have been analyzed the Doctor will go over a Report of Findings with you to determine what needs to be done and how you can help. Your Doctor will then use the Atlas Orthogonal Instrument to adjust your Atlas and relieve your nerve pressure. Scanning Palpation will be done again and the Doctor will determine your degree of improvement. Post Adjustment Comparison x-rays will enable the Doctor to verify your progress. Read what patients say about their AO treatments